With the economy sinking down, Museum and Gallery attendance is going up! Why? Maybe because it is relatively cheap and easy to go see art. It is also, in part, due to the efforts made by museums in the past 10 years to 'outreach' to their communities with cooler, more modern rotating exhibits and interactive shows.
The Leonardo DaVinci exhibit at Omsi last year was amazing.
Did anyone see Body Worlds? The exhibit with the 'real' human skeleteons with all that exposed muscle?
Last month the Portland Art Museum did a feature show on the work of Robert Crumb- a 1970's hippie-era cartoonist!
Has anyone been to the Experience Music Project in Seattle?
Well, the BLOGscussion (blog discussion) this week revolves around the future of museums... Since this is an easy, written format, you have to make at least 2 INTELLIGENT posts to get the 5 points this week... One can be a response to one of the questions, and the other should be a reply to the post of one of your classmates.
Possible discussion questions:
1) If all of your plans pay off and you wind up a ga-zillionaire, what KIND of museum would you finance? AND WHY???
Based on your personal obsessions... So, a baseball history museum already exists, try to be -original-
For example- My museum would be dedicated to preserving the cartoons and merchandise (toys) from 1980's cartoons. It was a high point in American animation and commerce that led to what we now nationally know as the tradition of ""Saturday Morning cartoons"". Happily warping the minds, but expanding the creativity, of millions of anxiously watching youths.
2) Do you have any (logical, reasonable) ideas that could improve the attendance of museums and galleries?
What would make even more people attracted to the idea of spending some time in a museum? Maybe start answering this question by looking at why YOU don't go to them now, and how would they get YOU in the door?
3) What is a cool museum that exists already that WE DON'T KNOW ABOUT?
Maybe you've been to one when you were on a family trip two years ago... If you would be so kind, maybe put a LINK in your answer, so we can go check this place out online...
4)Would you be more likely to visit a museum if you were on a vacation in Europe? in Argentina? in China? Why do you think people would rather explore museums in other countries than in their OWN? Where do you stand on this tendency?
Don't forget to comment as ANONYMOUS, but END YOUR POST with your first name and last initial for credit!!!!
The museum pictured above is the Guiggenheim in NYC - and it was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright... You may have seen it in the first MEN IN BLACK movie!
ReplyDeleteNicholas JL
Tyler Eliason
ReplyDeleteif i was loaded i would finiance a huge muesum but they would have to build it in my back yard of my huge mansion. it would be dedicated to pictures that make u laugh. because i am tired of depressing painting and dead skeletons and dead mummies...
The coolest Art Museum that I have been to is The Getty in California. It is huge!
ReplyDeleteJessy L
If I had a gazillion dollars, I would finance a Justin Ammerman mueseum because I feel like that would be the best way for my memory to be preserved if I ever die. Really Im banking on science to keep me alive, so I'm going to need a mueseum so that I dont foprget my life.
ReplyDeleteAn amazing mueseum that probably nobody in the class knows about is the 24 Hour Church of Elvis in Portland. http://www.24hourchurchofelvis.com/
It is without a doubt the greatest place of all time.
-Justin Ammerman
2) do a stunt or a practacul joke or something, like post a bunch of copies around a city or something to get people wanting to learn more.
ReplyDelete4) people want to learn more about other cultures and you need stuff to do when you are visiting other countries.
haileyd p5
1) I wouyld finance an modern art museum, to feature the artists who changed art from the 20th century and up.
ReplyDelete2) Museums could have more well put together and upbeeat commercials.
Dominic G.
I've been to the Experience Music Project, and it's true museums are much more interactive than they used to be. In EMP you can go into a "recording studio" and modify your voice and they have rooms dedicated to much more popular, and more recent artists like Jimi Hendrix rather than Bach or Mozart.
ReplyDeleteJulia C.
I would finance a museum that is dedicated to artists that aren't really well known but are striving to become so because this could possibly be a persons only chance at being known.
ReplyDeleteJames H.
2. hi, the way i would have more people come to the museum is make it like a dance party while you look at art. there would be some sick techno music and free food and red bull everywhere! that would make soo much more people come to appreciate art. thank you!
I think that a museum could possibly be a little bit louder. I know that the reason I dont go is because it makes me feel as though I can't speak, almost like i'm in a library. They could also make it more teenager friendly by putting stuff in it that teenagers might be a bit more interested in.
ReplyDeleteKelly Nizzi.
i would finance a museum to show off burnt toast that had images of celebrities ingrained in them as they toasted.
ReplyDeleteben s.
2.) I think museums and galleries should advertise themselves more to get an increase in attraction. Maybe posters in coffee shops or on the side of the street could help or commercials on the t.v or radio. They could even make themselves seem like a big attraction, like a "must go" place.
tyler eliason
ReplyDeleteelvis presly is over rated and gained more fame dying then he did singing...
4) I think I probably would be more likely to visit a museum somwhere other than the United States because in other countries everything is different and I would be thinking "I can visit (name of museum in US) anytime, but I might only be to Argentina once so I'd better take the opportunity..." Plus I think that it might be interesting to see how their museums are set up and what kind of art they have in them.
ReplyDeleteKc BeanWatson
If i had alot of money, i would personally buy a museum of led zeppelin. The greatest band of all time. I dont think it will happen, but you never know. This museum would have all of their albums signed and put on display, let alone their own personal recording studio they used.
ReplyDeleteA museum that most people don't know about is the museum of bad art. The art is so bad that it is too bad to be ignored. It is in New York City.
-Isaac Schrader
I think I am more likely to visit a museum when visiting another country. Other countries have different cultures and histories, so that is probably reflected in their museum. If I am visiting another country, I feel like I need to take in more, and that is easily done by visiting a museum.
ReplyDelete-Kevin R
I would finance a medical museum, because I don't think as regular people(not doctors) we don't know enough about our own bodies.
ReplyDeleteKatie Kyser
justins eats poo poo.
ReplyDeleteIf I Became A Ga-Zillionare I Would Fund A Museum Of Graffiti Art And Street Work . Also So Artist Could Come In And Paint On The Walls , So Artist Could Have Some Way To Expess ThemselfWith Out Getting In Trouble
ReplyDeleteSierra C.
The comment by Teagan, about making the museums more upbeat and less quiet and serious is good. I think that will help with museum attendance.
ReplyDeleteJessy L.
I agree with James. I would also finance a museum dedicated to artists that aren't well known. I think that putting them out there and making people appreciate their art work is a very good idea.
ReplyDeleteKelly Nizzi.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteSo, I don't know if this counts, but over the summer, my parents, my best friend and I went to Wisconsin. We went to a biodome, where there was 3 different domes. 1 had a tropical theme, one had a desert theme, and the last one had a safari theme. It was a pretty cool idea. And i think if more people knew about it, more people would go to it.
I believe that people go to different museums in different countries because museums can be a tourist attraction, and people might want to know more about the culture in the country that they are visiting. If it was up to me, i would rather go to a museum where i'm from, because it would seem more interesting to me.
Kailie Aanes Per. 5
dats wut 2 c the jans in cleare of you cant b4 teh dra for it 2 c of wat alredy make 4 can c.
ReplyDeleteI feel like I have to be really quiet in a museum...it's really akward when I can't laugh, and talk and stuff. I feel repressed in museums. Almost like school...
ReplyDeleteKatie Kyser
ReplyDeleteI think that would attract people to the museums for the wrong reasons.
If people are going for red bull and techno, they probably aren't appreciating the art.
It would likely bring in more people, though.
-Kevin R
Reply to James H's Post:
ReplyDeleteI like this idea because then people who have unrecognized talent might be able to push themselves forward and be seen. =]
Kc BeanWatson
tyler eliason
ReplyDelete"elvis presly is over rated and gained more fame dying then he did singing..."
Agreed, basically in his life he just gave into the whole hollywood scene and died at the age of fifty on a toilet from too many drugs and too much drinking, well it was a heart attack, but all in all. the only reason we look to him in his death is because he became the opitamy of the WWII soldier. Handsome, in suit, and totally cool. All the time.
Julia C.
ReplyDeleteNo offense but I don't think that having a
club/museum would attract the people who actually appreciate art.
James H.
well and he began the entire rock and roll scene.
ReplyDeleteJulia C.
2 I feel that if someone made a bus, that would take you to the museum that the bus is made for. Would help me, and should attract more people to art museums, because it would be more easy and efficent. Especially if your a person without a car or lisence. And if some one made a huge, crazy, colorful museum I think it would attract more viewers. Because then it would take time to see the painting and would be having you wonder what would be around the corner. If it was huge, crazy,and colorfully decorated inside and out.
ReplyDeleteAnd i agree with teagan with the music. But i would perfer dub-step not techno..
tara m.
What I'm guessing would make more people come to a museum is if the people are involved in some kind of activity while being there a the museum. Like trying to do stuff they are seeing in the painting or whatever it is they are looking at, instead of being bored to death by just watching and walking around. Another thing that would be good is if there were many other things around instead of having a museum that is just only for paintings :)
ReplyDeleteMichelle F.
1.If i could have that much money to do that i would probly find a sports history museum.
ReplyDelete2.A way i could improve the attendance is have somthing to hand out for free to everyone that comes to the museum somthing like a mini statue.
3.A museum some people might not know is the music museum in seattle washington.
4.I would rather go to argentina because they have stuff that other countries dont have and its more interesting.
Austin Barnes
1)I would finance a museum of in the moment photography. Either in sports or in everyday life, snapshots of life.
ReplyDelete2)One idea I have could be to make it be a fundraiser for a cause that many people would like to be apart of.
3)I dont know of any cool museums that most people dont know that exist. I dont usually go to museums.
4)I would definately visit museums in europe because they have older art pieces that I am more interested in compared to the modern art I usually see in America. I think people wanna see museums in other countries because we already know of the art in our own country which makes it less interesting compared to something not many people who live around us have seen. I honestly would likely go to more museums in other countries rather than ones in America because I am already partially uninterested considering it is.
Amanda C
1. One museum I really enjoyed visiting was called the Newseum. It is in Washington D.C., and it has exhibits about different kinds of news, (t.v., journalism, newspapers, radio, and photography), and they are super imteresting. My favorite part is this big exhibit with all of the Pulitzer Prize winning photographs and a little snippet of history about each one.
ReplyDeleteOh, and you can totally do your own newscast about the weather, sports, etc. and then watch yourself. You read a teleprompter and its really fun. Here's the link: http://www.newseum.org/
2. I agree with "Kc BeanWatson" about wanting to see museums in other country's because you may not be back again. At the same time though, it's sad because we tend to make time for a lot more things when we are on vacation or visiting somewhere, not realizing some of the most amazing, beautiful, and worthwhile things are only mere miles from our homes.
Juliana :)
I agree with Kelly Nizzi because museums really are super quiet and the whole teenager stuff would be cool too like I said more entertainment would be make more people want to come :)
ReplyDeleteMichelle F.
2. i think i good way to attract more people to make them more colorful, to me, museums are to bland for me and i wont love more colors and better music.
ReplyDeleteJordan W.
P.S. the atomic fart WAS Ben's idea... no lies
1. I'd finance an Architecture Museum.
ReplyDelete2. To attract more people I think I would include something that people could interact with.
3. The Grant Museum of Zoology.
4. I would rather seea museum in a different country than in my own, honestly I'm bored with US history.
1)I would definitely create a museum dedicated to typewriters because i love typewriters of all shapes, sizes, and ages. They are amazing.
ReplyDelete2)I would make the museums and galleries more readily available to the public by cutting the price. I would send info to neighboring cities, have tv commercials, people spreading word on the street, and flyers.
3)The Magic Lantern Museum
4)I would definitely go to museums in other countries while on vacation there. I think why we do that is because we think that we know everything there is to know about our country, therefore, not needing to go to a museum to learn about something we already know. It is ignorance though.I think it is absolutely ridiculous, however, I am in the group with the non-goers. Once I'm on my own, I will have the opportunity and power to go on my own, and absorb the knowledge and beauty.
Nikki Britto
comment to Kelly Nizzi
ReplyDeletei think that museums Should be louder like you said, not only will people want to go, but that will also attract more field trips, because kids don't have to be dead quiet
Jordan W.
October 7, 2010 2:43 PM is me.
ReplyDeleteTo Jordan,
I don't think that nessicarilly more color is needed to attract more people. Just look at the black and white photos of today.
-Austyn L.
totally agree with James
ReplyDeleteNikki Britto
I was never more scared in my life than when I went to the 24 hour church of elvis museum... crazy crazy place... like crazy insane like a hurricane...
1). I would dedicate a museum to my favorite comic strip "Penuts". My dad has a collection of booklets that contains the old classic issues of Charlie Brown, Snoopy, or with the whole gang in a shoe box. He used to read them a lot when he was a kid. I think it's what makes him a fanatic because of his personality that refers to Charlie Brown when people would say he's so wishy-washy. He's a huge expert in baseball, and really does enjoy coaching my softball team which can be annoying and intense when he gets disgusted what you did wrong. And he used to get teased by kids from school as well, mainly they make fun of his name "Ralph". I'm a big fanatic of Penuts too, since I'm more accustomed to watching those T.V. specials whenever the holidays come around. We have some of those on VHS, but it will take too long to list for this comment. My favorite one of all time would be the great pumpkin, because Linus is such a blockhead when he tries to convince people to believe that the great pumpkin really does exist, same as they would believe in Santa Claus. It cracks me up when he would say it flies through the air and brings treats and goodies to all the "good" little children in the world. Sounds creepy doesn't it; a scary looking jack-o-lanturn carved pumpkin, floating in mid-air through the night or day as the earth rotates. Doesn't make sense, but throughout, makes me feel happy. I think adding some merchandise, including VHS tapes and comic booklets would really work, adding a contribution to the coporation, or pay tribute to your elders who are the ones to make their ideas and dreams possible. I would do it for my parents.
ReplyDelete2). Maybe in order to attract people into visiting museums, the exhibits would have to be interesting, original, sensible and robust so they could observe creations from human hands that has never been shown before, and appreciate the value of an artist's work. It might not be traditional or appropriate for the art field, but it's something how the artist thinks and feels that we have to understand; from his perspective point of view.
3). I've never been to any museum except that I went to the Portland Art museum for the first time with my Aunt Dixie and Uncle Randy during Thanksgiving in 2007.
4). I dreamed of touring Paris, France someday and visit the Louvre, because I'm such a big freak with famous paintings and other art collections. I've read and seen pictures from travel books about it. It's huge by the grand majesty and ancient from remaining as a building that displays the most famous masterpieces in the world. My great grandma Edna went there, also with my aunt Vicki before I was born. She was truly an art expert, and does alot of painting herself. But although she never attended an art school in France or other countries outside of North America, I still consider her as a well-known and fantastic painter and it's lucky she gets to travel anywhere. It has been my childhood ambition to study art in Paris and become an artist like grandma Edna. But there are some limitations I have to consider about money though; how much I have in my budget, what can I afford, how do I pay off expenses while living in the french lifestyle.
I think peope have a priority to choose wherever museum they want to visit out of their countries, because they have certain rights as human beings. Maybe they just want to observe new cultures and venture through the unlimited boundaries rather than remaining trapped within their own cages. All they ever see is the same things; exhibits, celebrations, etc. They have to stay tied to their customs and traditions as they're prevented from doing something different. They can never break the rules.
-Emily "Emma" Austin