For Vetran's Day, please look at the images after clicking each link below.
Then answer the questions at the end of the blog.
1) Which artwork do you thing stirs the most/deepest EMOTIONAL RESPONSE from you? AND HOW/WHY DOES IT WORK FOR YOU????
2) Which work do you think is the LEAST PATRIOTIC?
... meaning which one would you exclude from this list?
3) Which one do you think shows the most artistic SKILL?
4) Which one do you think is the most CREATIVE / ORIGINAL overall?
5) Which one would you use to explain the notion of PATRIOTISM to an alien who just landed on Earth?
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Really the only one that stirs a EMOTIONAL response is the vietnam memorial guy because , it shows the pain of the people who lost someone
ReplyDeleteSierra C.
The Uncle Sam picture because he looks like a creeper that will hurt you if you disobey him.
ReplyDeleteThe drummer boys
The Vietnam Memorial painting
Mt. Rushmore
-Austyn "Otter" Larson
1. The one that stirred up the most emotion in me was the one where the Veteran is leaning up againt the Vietnam wall. I chose this one because the Veteran is thanking and appreciating the soldiers that have lost their lives.
ReplyDelete2. The one that I would exculde is the last picture.
3. The "Happy 4th of July!" painting I think shows the most artistic skill.
4. The Statue of Liberty head I think is the most creative. They didnt just have to copy something, like all of the others were.
5. Uncle Sam. Most people in The United States knows who that is and knows that he stands for patriotism.
Kelly Nizzi.
1)I think the vietnam memorial is the deepest emotional response for me, because the soldiers and the citizen are together, fighting through tough times
ReplyDelete2)The least patriotic one to me is the archibald willard one
3) The one with the most artistic skill is mount rushmore
4) I think the most creative one is the vietnam memorial
5) I would use the vietnam memorial to define patriotism because the soldiers and citizens are together, and the soldiers are dying for our freedom
Isaac Schrader
1. the Vietnam Memorial because it shows how someone is sad about how all the people died in war
ReplyDelete2. I think the one that says happy fourth of july is the least patriotic because its very boting
3.the max statue of liberty
4.The Vietnam Memorial
5.The Vietnam Memorial one
Tanner Leitner
1) The Vietnam memorial definitely has the most emotional impact for me.
ReplyDeleteMost likely because of the brotherly aspect, you don't expect men like that to show emotion or to feel pain, so when you see it... it hits hard.
2)I would exclude the "retroactive" collage. It may have a president and an American turning point but it doesn't necessarily feel patriotic.
3)I think the one with the most artistic ability is the "working on the statue of Liberty".
4) The most original in my opinion is the Peter-Max-Statue-of-Liberty.
5)The painting of Iwo Jima.
Julia Cobb
#1: the iwo jima picture. even though i've seen it 2,139,482,735,496 times before, i still like it and it still makes me feel sympathetic. don't know why.
ReplyDelete#2: the statue of liberty under construction, because it was made by french people and has very little to do with america.
#3: uncle sam, because it's a great drawing.
#4: i've seen so much american propaganda that i don't think any of it is original anymore.
i like to look at other countries' propaganda, and that's pretty original, though.
#5: also uncle sam. i think that one is a direct challenge to america's enemies. sort of like, "come get me, commie."
ben s.
1)vietnam memorial
ReplyDelete2)the one by A. willard
3)mt. rushmore
4)the 3rd one. the one of lady Liberty's face
hailey d
The emotional response i got was from the cat because i knew emdiately i was bored. the one with the three flags should be three times more patriotic but i think it is uncreative and doesnt feel real. i think the statue of liberty that is all distorted is both the best artistic skill and the worst at the same time. it is origonal and it reminded me of the obama poster.
ReplyDeleteProbaly the three flags stacked on top of each other because it is patriotic to have alot of flags from your country
Tyler Eliason...
1. The second one is the most emotional one of them all.
ReplyDelete2. The last one is least patriotic.
3. The second one has more artistic skill than some of the other ones.
4. The fourth one is more creative.
5. The fourth one I would totally explain to an alien.
Kayla S.
1. The one that stirred the most emotional response is the guy at the Vietnam Memorial. It shows the pain the people went through and the bravery that all those people had to go through that. It shows how many people would give their lives to protect the safety of others.
ReplyDelete2. I think the one that is the least patriotic was the yanky doodle looking guy, the one with the guy drumming.
3. I think that both the one with the guy at the Vietnam Memorial and the Iwo Jima one show great talent. 4. I think the Vietnam Memorial one is the most creative because it shows the soldiers that died in the wall like looking back at him.
5. I kinda think that I would use the Uncle Sam "I Want You" poster to explain patriotism to an alien.
-Jessy Lamb
1. The Vietnam Memorial is the one that evokes an emotional feeling to me. It makes me sad because the man is sad.
ReplyDelete2. I don't find any of them unpatriotic.
3. I think the Vietnam Memorial is the most skill based.
4. I think the one with the JFK is the most original and artistic.
5. I would explain patrioism to an alien by showing them the definition in the dictionary.
Justin Ammerman
1.) The Uncle Sam poster. It makes me feel uncomfortable; A man pointing and staring makes me want to look away.
ReplyDelete2.)The one with the astronaut and JFK.
3.) Mt Rushmore painting.
4.) The colorful statue of liberty head.
5.) I'd show an alien the Vietnam memorial. It because it shows a man being emotional due to a national memorial. It kind of personifies patriotism... Kind of.
-Kevin Reesor
1. I think the vietnam memorial one is, because it shows the loss of someones loved ones
ReplyDelete2. I dont think any of them are unpatriotic. But if have to pick one, i'd pick the guys with the drums in ohio.
3.Statue of liberty
4.The Vietnam Memorial
5.The Vietnam Memorial
Kaylin Hardy
ReplyDeleteKaylin Hardy
1. I think the vietnam memorial one is, because it shows the loss of someones loved ones
ReplyDelete2. I dont think any of them are unpatriotic. But if have to pick one, i'd pick the guys with the drums in ohio.
3.Statue of liberty
4.The Vietnam Memorial
5.The Vietnam Memorial
Teagan Driver
1.) I found that the one that stirred my emotions the most was the one of the man leaning up against the vietnam wall memorial.It stirs my emotions because thats what I think anyone would feel if they touched the memorial. Remembering the men we've lost and that they still live on inside of all of us.
ReplyDelete2.) The one I found that was the least patriotic was the one of mount rushmore. If I didnt know who the men were I would likely think it was a pointless sculpture done by a crazy man.
3.) The vietnam memorial painting by far. All the little details in it that make the painting as powerful as it is.
4.) The one with the astronaut and president kennedy because only a person with a creative mind would have been able to combine all those combinations of pictures and colors to make that painting work.
5.) Most likely the one of Uncle Sam because it shows how desperate we were at one point to make our country work as one to defeat the enemy and how strongly we feel the patriotism within us when we see something like that.(well most of us anyway.)
-Amanda C.
1)The man visiting the Vietnam Veterans' Memorial is the painting I would say is the most emotional one for me. The mood set by the black wall and the emotional distress radiating from the man are what make it so moving. I think the soldiers looking back at the man is what truly makes this painting so moving and extraordinary.
ReplyDelete2)Either the people working on the statue of liberty or the one of the three men set back in time.
3)I think because of how detailed and pretty realistic it is, the people building the statue of liberty . I also think the Vietnam Wall one is pretty skilled.
4)I think the one that's sort of like a collage, with JFK in the middle is pretty creative and original.
5)I would use the painting of the flag raising at Iwo Jima to explain patriotism.
Juliana G.
1.) The Vietnam Memorial gave me the deepest emotional response because it shows the real aching emotions this man is feeling over his dead friends during the war. Also the way the soldiers are reaching out to the man is very sentimental.
ReplyDelete2.) I think Three Flags is the least patriotic piece of art because the design of the flag is an original, so the artist didn't really come up with anything new or emotional. I believe if he added more then just the flags, it would of been a more patriotic piece.
3.) Happy 4th of July! by Diana Denny i think shows the most artistic skill because it shows good depth and detial and almost looks like a photograph.
4.) The Peter Max Statue of Liberty is the most creative of all of the pieces. The use of color is unique because when most people want to do a patriotic painting, they usually use the colors of their country, but in this almost every color is used and it is appealing to look at. It also doesn't feel depressing at all, unlike the other paintings.
5.) If an alien really did come to America, i would explain patriotism to him/her(it?) the Uncle Sam i want you poster. I would show this because it shows the dedication some people put into this country.
1)i would say that the vietnam memorial painting is very sad what got me was that my uncal who died in vietnam his name is suppost to be on a memorial wall
ReplyDelete2)i think they are all paitriotic for the most part
3)the last painting looks like it would just have taken a long time thats why i thiink its the most artsy
4)i like the second one again it just says sadness and happyness even though he lost his friends at least he made it
5)the first one would be easyest to explane to an alien what were all about.
jeron Z. 5th period
1. The Memorial Painting with the old man. because of the emotion!
ReplyDelete2.I think the Mt. Rushmore. it just doesnt appeal.
3. The colorful Statue of Liberty
4.The one with The pres. in the middle...i think it was Kennedy
5.Uncle Sam
---Kelsi Babick
1) Painting number 2 because you can see his dead buddys touching his has through the wall
ReplyDelete2)painting number 3
3)the last painting since they carved it out of a stone/rock cliff
4)the second to the last painting because it was made from a real photograph
5)the second to the last painting again, because it shows american sholdiers be united togeather to put up usa's national symbol after winning a battle or war. i cant remember which one it was
1) the Vietnam memorial one
ReplyDelete2) the statue of liberty in construction
3) Vietnam memorial
4) kennedy
5) uncle Sam
-Brandon Wehage
1. I like the Vietnam Memorial one.
ReplyDelete2. Kennedy
3. Vietnam Memorial
4. I like them all!
5. Memorial.
1)Vietnam Memorial is the most emotional one for me, because it is like the fallen soldiers coming back to life and saying thank you for remembering us, thank you for visiting me, thank you for continuing on your life, and thank you for reconnecting with us through the touch os hands. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete2)I wouldn't exclude any because there is no reason to exclude any of them. They are all patriotic, and support America. It wouldn't b fair to exclude one artist because you don't know what the artist is saying.
3)I think they are all equally artisticly skillful. They are all of different types of art. They all demand respect.
4)The painting of Statue of Liberty's face. It is not something I have seen before, and it fascinates me as to the movement the artist made to create it.
5)I would use Archibald Willard's painting to describe how our leaders are working for the people to see that America is strong and working well-oiled for the saftey of all who live in America. But then I would also use the vietnam memorial to describe how the American people give their lives for the rest of our safety, and that we remember and charish them forever.
-Nikki Britto p.5
1 the most deep piece of artwork in that list is the Vietnam memorial piece because i visited it once and there was so many sad people (p.s. i gotta sad face from it =( )
ReplyDelete2 the multicolored statue of liberty
3 the Vietnam memorial
4 Kennedy/astronaut thingggy
5 uncle SAM, cuz he's purty
jordan wallace
1) I think the Vietnam Memorial painting (which I thought it might be a photograph) gives me a harsh pounding feeling in my chest that I've never appreciate how our troops fought overseas to prevent the enemy, the VietCong, from spreding the mess of Communism all over the world just to uphold our national security. The image of the man placing his hand against the inscription of one of his comrades gives a deep insight that somewhere beyond those walls that the ones now lost from the battle, would never be forgotten. We all have to honer that perspective.
ReplyDelete2). The posters from the magazine archives may display the American patriotism, but they seem to focus more on the celebration, the tradition rather than honoring those who fought and died for our freedom.
3). I suppose the lady liberty painting; it's creative and powerful.
4). Not sure; I hate when I can't decide which is the best; depends on how I heartdily felt.
5). Kennedy painting doesn't display a patriotic perspective; why add those weird images of creatures that hang around beside Kennedy's portrait. What does he got to do with aliens, or maybe it's when he gave out his 1963 delegation that he promised for the moon landings by the end of the decade.
-Emily "Emma" Austin-