The Research Paper
DUE: Monday Nov. 29th 50 points
Late papers -25 points
In your paper, you will be revealing the history of your chosen artist and discussing ONE particular work of theirs in depth.
PHASE 1: First pick your artist, and then select the work of theirs on which you intend to focus. The third thing you will need to do is decide who your artist would write to for advice. This can be a relative of the artist, a friend, a fellow artist who was a contemporary of your artist, or even a non-artist public figure of their time period (such as the Pope or the King or Dennis Hopper).
You must have a logical reason for who you are choosing (…such as: Dennis Hopper acted in many of Andy Warhol’s films and was/is an avid art collector). The person you are choosing to write to may not be evident until after you have done some research.
PHASE 2: Compile your research on the artist.
Research the artist’s early life. Why did they got into art? Where did they live and work? How did they encounter fame and fortune (if at all) ? What did they contribute that was different/new/exciting? Were there any challenges in their life that affected their art? Was their personal life relevant to their work? Did they have any mentors or enemies? What was the place like where they made their art (the politics, the region, the society) and how did it affect their artistic choices? Were there any setbacks in their career? Were there any notable awards or successes in their career?
Then research the specific artwork you have chosen.
Why is it significant? What is it about? Describe the style. Talk about the composition, colors, medium, subject matter, and intent. Is it part of any ‘movement’? How does it fit in with the rest of this artist’s work? When, in the timeline of the artist’s life, was this created? Who was this piece done for? Go ahead and inject any personal opinions that you think the artist may have had about this work.
PHASE 3: You will be composing this 5 page paper (typed, double spaced, 12 point font) as if YOU are your chosen artist who is writing a letter to someone. You will inform the person about ‘your’ history and then proceed to tell them about the specific work. Your entire point is to ask for this person’s advice on the work you are doing… You will end with a direct question to this person about some aspect of ‘your’ piece.
Include a print-out of the work you are discussing (for extra credit, also include a sketch of the section of the work you are soliciting advice about).
It is not necessary to cite your sources- It is necessary to write in common speech and only use words you fully understand. Inability to define any words used in your paper will lead to a ten point penalty for each word in question.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
FINAL study list
This is every possible work that may be presented for the IDENTIFICATION section of the final.
Aside from the artist's LAST NAME, this time you will need to state the 'ISM' or movement that each artist belongs to for full credit.
TITLES of the work will still be extra credit.
Le Dejeuner sur Herbe, Edouard Manet -PG. 248
Olympia, Manet -PG.248
Portrait of Emile Zola, Manet - PG. 251
The Artist in his Studio, James Whistler -PG.250
Arrangement in Gray and Black: Portrait of the Artist's Mother, Whistler- PG. 254
The Magpie, Claude Monet - PG.252
Poppies, Monet- PG. 256
Saint Lazare Station, Monet - 259
Water Lily Pool, Harmony in Pink, Monet - PG.282
Waterlilies, Monet -PG. 296
A Woman and a Girl Driving, Mary Cassatt - PG. 261
The Bath, Cassatt -PG.272
Sunflowers, Vincent Van Gogh- PG. 266
Still Life With Quinces, Van Gogh- PG. 267
The Siesta, Van Gogh- Pg. 267
The Artist's Room in Arles, Van Gogh-268
Self Portrait, Van Gogh-268
Starry Night, Van Gogh-268
Portrait of Dr. Gachet, Van Gogh-270
The Scream, Edvard Munch - PG.274
Self Portrait in Hell, Munch - PG.276
Starry Night, Munch -PG.298
The Clowness Cha-u-kao, Toulouse Lautrec- PG. 277
Miss Eglantine's Troupe, Lautrec- PG.277
The Seated Clowness, Lautrec - PG. 277
Isolde, Aubrey Beardsley- PG. 280
Judith, Gustav Klimt- PG. 283
Woman in a Japanese Robe..., Henri Matisse, PG. 285
The Dance, Matisse -PG. 287
La Vie, PICASSO -PG. 284
Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, PICASSO -PG. 286
Portrait of Ambroise Vollard, PICASSO- PG.288
Still Life With Chair Caning, PICASSO, PG. 291
Three Musicians, PICASSO - PG.297
Guernica, PICASSO- PG.305
I and the Village, Marc Chagall- PG. 291
Nude Descending a Staircase, Marcel Duchamp -PG. 292
Bicycle Wheel, Duchamp -PG. 294
The Menaced Assassin, Rene Magritte -PG. 299
The Empire of Light II, Magritte - PG. 311
The Persistence of Memory, Salvador Dali -PG.302
Self Construction with Boiled Beans, Dali -PG.305
My Grandparents, My Parents, and I, Frida Kahlo- PG. 306
Broadway Boogie Woogie, Piet Mondrian -PG. 308
Full Fathom Five, Jackson Pollock - PG. 309
Shot Red Marilyn, Andy Warhol - PG. 316
This is every possible work that may be presented for the IDENTIFICATION section of the final.
Aside from the artist's LAST NAME, this time you will need to state the 'ISM' or movement that each artist belongs to for full credit.
TITLES of the work will still be extra credit.
Le Dejeuner sur Herbe, Edouard Manet -PG. 248
Olympia, Manet -PG.248
Portrait of Emile Zola, Manet - PG. 251
The Artist in his Studio, James Whistler -PG.250
Arrangement in Gray and Black: Portrait of the Artist's Mother, Whistler- PG. 254
The Magpie, Claude Monet - PG.252
Poppies, Monet- PG. 256
Saint Lazare Station, Monet - 259
Water Lily Pool, Harmony in Pink, Monet - PG.282
Waterlilies, Monet -PG. 296
A Woman and a Girl Driving, Mary Cassatt - PG. 261
The Bath, Cassatt -PG.272
Sunflowers, Vincent Van Gogh- PG. 266
Still Life With Quinces, Van Gogh- PG. 267
The Siesta, Van Gogh- Pg. 267
The Artist's Room in Arles, Van Gogh-268
Self Portrait, Van Gogh-268
Starry Night, Van Gogh-268
Portrait of Dr. Gachet, Van Gogh-270
The Scream, Edvard Munch - PG.274
Self Portrait in Hell, Munch - PG.276
Starry Night, Munch -PG.298
The Clowness Cha-u-kao, Toulouse Lautrec- PG. 277
Miss Eglantine's Troupe, Lautrec- PG.277
The Seated Clowness, Lautrec - PG. 277
Isolde, Aubrey Beardsley- PG. 280
Judith, Gustav Klimt- PG. 283
Woman in a Japanese Robe..., Henri Matisse, PG. 285
The Dance, Matisse -PG. 287
La Vie, PICASSO -PG. 284
Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, PICASSO -PG. 286
Portrait of Ambroise Vollard, PICASSO- PG.288
Still Life With Chair Caning, PICASSO, PG. 291
Three Musicians, PICASSO - PG.297
Guernica, PICASSO- PG.305
I and the Village, Marc Chagall- PG. 291
Nude Descending a Staircase, Marcel Duchamp -PG. 292
Bicycle Wheel, Duchamp -PG. 294
The Menaced Assassin, Rene Magritte -PG. 299
The Empire of Light II, Magritte - PG. 311
The Persistence of Memory, Salvador Dali -PG.302
Self Construction with Boiled Beans, Dali -PG.305
My Grandparents, My Parents, and I, Frida Kahlo- PG. 306
Broadway Boogie Woogie, Piet Mondrian -PG. 308
Full Fathom Five, Jackson Pollock - PG. 309
Shot Red Marilyn, Andy Warhol - PG. 316
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Patriotic Art!!!!!!!!

For Vetran's Day, please look at the images after clicking each link below.
Then answer the questions at the end of the blog.
1) Which artwork do you thing stirs the most/deepest EMOTIONAL RESPONSE from you? AND HOW/WHY DOES IT WORK FOR YOU????
2) Which work do you think is the LEAST PATRIOTIC?
... meaning which one would you exclude from this list?
3) Which one do you think shows the most artistic SKILL?
4) Which one do you think is the most CREATIVE / ORIGINAL overall?
5) Which one would you use to explain the notion of PATRIOTISM to an alien who just landed on Earth?
-click the little blue/purple link below that says the number of comments on this blog-
-type in your COMMENT
-end your comment with your first name and last initial
-select ANONYMOUS from the drop down COMMENT AS menu
-hit the POST COMMENT button
Thursday, October 21, 2010
First Thursday Extra Credit

FIRST THURSDAY is when all of the galleries in portland's Pearl District stay open late and 'preview' their show for the upcoming month.
It is a great opportunity to browse the art and people watch.
Most galleries are open until 10pm (or even later)...
It is a cheap date- see art and be entertained all night for the price of a coffee!
You don't really even need a map, just follow the people!!!
More info can be found at:
and a map at:
If you are going for EXTRA CREDIT, you need to prove you've hit these places- take cell phone pics, collect postcards of the shows, do sketches of work, write reviews of the galleries you visit- just prove to me that you went and don't forget to get the NAMES of the galleries you went to and the ARTISTs that were showing there!!!!!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Museums of the Future

With the economy sinking down, Museum and Gallery attendance is going up! Why? Maybe because it is relatively cheap and easy to go see art. It is also, in part, due to the efforts made by museums in the past 10 years to 'outreach' to their communities with cooler, more modern rotating exhibits and interactive shows.
The Leonardo DaVinci exhibit at Omsi last year was amazing.
Did anyone see Body Worlds? The exhibit with the 'real' human skeleteons with all that exposed muscle?
Last month the Portland Art Museum did a feature show on the work of Robert Crumb- a 1970's hippie-era cartoonist!
Has anyone been to the Experience Music Project in Seattle?
Well, the BLOGscussion (blog discussion) this week revolves around the future of museums... Since this is an easy, written format, you have to make at least 2 INTELLIGENT posts to get the 5 points this week... One can be a response to one of the questions, and the other should be a reply to the post of one of your classmates.
Possible discussion questions:
1) If all of your plans pay off and you wind up a ga-zillionaire, what KIND of museum would you finance? AND WHY???
Based on your personal obsessions... So, a baseball history museum already exists, try to be -original-
For example- My museum would be dedicated to preserving the cartoons and merchandise (toys) from 1980's cartoons. It was a high point in American animation and commerce that led to what we now nationally know as the tradition of ""Saturday Morning cartoons"". Happily warping the minds, but expanding the creativity, of millions of anxiously watching youths.
2) Do you have any (logical, reasonable) ideas that could improve the attendance of museums and galleries?
What would make even more people attracted to the idea of spending some time in a museum? Maybe start answering this question by looking at why YOU don't go to them now, and how would they get YOU in the door?
3) What is a cool museum that exists already that WE DON'T KNOW ABOUT?
Maybe you've been to one when you were on a family trip two years ago... If you would be so kind, maybe put a LINK in your answer, so we can go check this place out online...
4)Would you be more likely to visit a museum if you were on a vacation in Europe? in Argentina? in China? Why do you think people would rather explore museums in other countries than in their OWN? Where do you stand on this tendency?
Don't forget to comment as ANONYMOUS, but END YOUR POST with your first name and last initial for credit!!!!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
MID TERM review

So... Any of the terms below are fair game for MULTIPLE CHOICE, or TRUE/FALSE questions on the midterm- And don't forget, the meanings may be different on DICTIONARY.COM than what they mean when applied specifically TO ART...
Venus of Willendorf = Fertility Idol
LASCAUX = Cave paintings
Equestrian Statue
Cannon of Human Proportions
camera obscura
What does it mean when art is-
Mid Term Images Study List
This is a list of every possible image you may be tested on for the MIDTERM.
Remember- I am only looking for the ARTIST'S NAME.
Supplying the title of the piece will be extra credit.
Madonna in Majesty - Giotto pg.94
Feast of Herod - Donatello Pg. 100
Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife - Jan Van Eyck pg. 106
David- Donatello pg. 108
Equestrian Monument to Gattamelatta - Donatello pg. 109
Saint Mary Magdelene - Donatello pg. 113
Primavera- Boticelli pg.120
Birth of Venus- Boticelli pg. 121
Drunken Bacchus- Michaelangelo pg. 123
Last Supper- Lenardo da Vinci- pg.123
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - Albrecht Durer pg. 124
Portrait of Oswalt Krel - Albrecht Durer pg. 126
Self Portrait With a Fur Coat- Durer pr. 126
Pieta- Michaelangelo pg. 130
David- Michaelangelo pg. 131
Holy Family- Michaelangelo pg. 131
Creation of Adam (from the ceiling of the Sistine chapel)- Michaelangelo pg. 132
The Mona Lisa (la giaconda) - Leonardo da Vinci pg. 132
Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel- Michaelangelo pg.133
Triptych of the Epiphany- Heironymus Bosch pg. 133
Triptych of the Garden of Earthly Delights- Bosch pg.134
School of Athens- Raphael pg. 136
Triumph of Galatea - Raphael pg.138
The Sistine Madonna- Raphael pg.138
Moses- Michaelangelo pg.138
Madonna of the Chair- Raphael pg. 139
Melancholia- Durer pg. 139
Christ Carrying the Cross- Bosch pg. 141
Transfiguration- Raphael pg. 142
Tomb of Giuliano- Michaelangelo pg. 143
Last Judgement- Michaelangelo pg. 148
Hare- Durer pg.151
Winter- ACRIMBOLDO pg. 158
The Vegetable Gardener- Acrimboldo pg.163
St. Catherine- Caravaggio pg.164
Conversion of St. Paul- Caravaggio pg.166
Entombment of Christ- Caravaggio pg.168
Judith Beheading Holofernes- Artemesia Gentilleschi pg.169
The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp- Rembrandt pg. 177
Danae- Rembrandt pg. 179
Bathsheba with David's Letter- Rembrandt pg. 185
View of the Delf- Jan Vermeer pg.186
Head of a Young Woman- Vermeer pg. 189
The Lacemaker- Vermeer pg. 190
Return of the Prodigal Son- Rembrandt pg. 192
Portrait of the Painter Hubert Robert- Elizabeth Vigee-Lebrun pg. 218
Self Portrait- Lebrun pg. 218
Self Portrait- Lebrun pg. 225
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
We will soon be talking about the inventions of Leonardo DaVinci. Take some time to check out these inventions and answer some easy questions in this blog today.
You will have to highlight the link, copy it, and paste it in the address bar to get to the pages... since I didn't have time to create actual links... Ask a fellow student who seems to have figured this out if you are having difficulties!
-the questions are at the bottom-
-so are directions for POSTING comments-
1) Which invention do you think will be around 50 years from now?
2) Why do you think this one will 'catch on'???
3) Which one would you purchase if you had the money?
4) Which one do you think is the stupidest, most useless invention on here?
5) If you know of one, include a link to a picture, video, or article about a current, cool invention not on this list (or just describe it)-
-click the little blue/purple link below that says the number of comments on this blog-
-type in your COMMENT
-end your comment with your first name and last initial
-select ANONYMOUS from the drop down COMMENT AS menu
-hit the POST COMMENT button
You will have to highlight the link, copy it, and paste it in the address bar to get to the pages... since I didn't have time to create actual links... Ask a fellow student who seems to have figured this out if you are having difficulties!
-the questions are at the bottom-
-so are directions for POSTING comments-
1) Which invention do you think will be around 50 years from now?
2) Why do you think this one will 'catch on'???
3) Which one would you purchase if you had the money?
4) Which one do you think is the stupidest, most useless invention on here?
5) If you know of one, include a link to a picture, video, or article about a current, cool invention not on this list (or just describe it)-
-click the little blue/purple link below that says the number of comments on this blog-
-type in your COMMENT
-end your comment with your first name and last initial
-select ANONYMOUS from the drop down COMMENT AS menu
-hit the POST COMMENT button
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